PTA Highlights

The following are some highlights from various PTA events throughout the year.

Ladies Night:

A night-out fundraiser for moms filled with music, dancing, shopping, raffles and great company, a long-lasting tradition of the WS PTA.



Christmas Parties:

PTA-sponsored parties for the students to celebrate the upcoming Christmas holiday.



Santa’s Visit:

PTA-sponsored Christmas gifts given out by Santa himself.




January is kicked-off with PTA-sponsored vasilopita during the first school-wide liturgy of the new year.



Junior High School Dance:

PTA-sponsored dance for the JHS students to enjoy an evening of themed fun and dancing.



Kite Flying:

PTA continues the tradition of kite flying on Καθαρά Δεύτερα as we kick off Lent.



Arcade Night:

PTA fundraiser bringing a full arcade experience and more to the boys.



Greek Parade:

PTA proudly marches… rain or shine.



Young Ladies Luncheon:

PTA fundraiser celebrating the girls and the special women in their lives.




Kafeneio Booth:

As support to our church and community, PTA sponsors a booth at the St. Nicholas Church festival serving up coffee and baked goods.



End-of-Year Carnival:

Two days of carnival games, rides and treats sponsored by the PTA as the school year winds down.




PTA Picnic:

Students are treated to a picnic lunch of souvlakia or pizza during the last week of school.




PTA Dinner Dance:
An evening for families to come together and celebrate the William Spyropoulos School community while enjoying good food, drinks and traditional Greek dances by the JHS students.