It is my goal to see that

Each One of Our Students

Achieves His/Her

Greatest Potential

in an environment that is nurturing and encouraging

– Principal, Mary Tzallas

School Mission

St. Nicholas William Spyropoulos Greek-American Day School’s mission is to provide our students with a solid education focused on achieving academic excellence and character development in a nurturing environment.  We give our students the foundation to become lifelong learners and create an inner self confidence that will keep them strong and enable them to reach their personal goals.  We empower them with a solid Greek Orthodox identity and teach them the values and principles of our Faith, at the same time appreciating other cultures and civilizations.  Our children are given and seize the opportunity to form lasting friendships that strengthen their social development. 

Message From The Principal

Principal, Mary Tzallas

Dear Parents,

It is with great love, joy, and humility that I address you today as the new Principal of our beloved St. Nicholas William Spyropoulos School. Many years ago, with the help of God, I was led to the threshold of the St. Nicholas community where I began my career as a teacher. In 2000, I became the Assistant Principal and have served in that position for the past 17 years. It has been a remarkable journey with rewarding experiences and professional fulfillment. It has been a journey that I have truly enjoyed and for which I have been very grateful. Now I have been given the gift to serve as the Principal of this school, and I am truly honored.

As I embark on this next part of my journey, I will do everything in my power to prove worthy of this honor. I will work towards a leadership that will continue to contribute to a positive school climate and an instruction that meets the needs of all of our students. For the past 17 years, I was fortunate enough to work alongside Mrs. Kromidas, an effective principal that had a very positive impact on our school. I have learned a great deal from her, and I have been inspired as a person and as an educator. As a result, I can reassure you that I will continue our school’s mission to educate and nurture with the same love and in the same Greek Orthodox paideia and ideals that we all value. My deep love for our children, our culture, and our school will be the driving force behind everything I do to maintain our school’s reputable status and to ensure its advancement to even greater heights. It is my goal to see that each one of our students achieves his/her greatest potential in an environment that is nurturing and encouraging, and that all of our students together, as Spyropolites, become a student body that is admired by all and that we are all very proud of now and after they graduate.

I look forward to working with all of you as we enter this new chapter of our school’s life, one that will keep the principles we treasure intact while preparing our children for the demands of our world today and tomorrow. With your love and support, I am confident that our school can continue to be the outstanding place that it is, where our children can learn and grow happily and successfully.

With love and respect,

Mary Tzallas



…to build strong moral principles , good character , and self-esteem ; to foster a love and respect for our American Nation and Greek heritage and culture…”

– Pastor, Reverend Father Paul Palesty